Everything we do at the Geochemical Society is made possible through our generous members, volunteers and contributors. Make a contribution to help support one of our programs.
Goldschmidt Conference Grants
The Goldschmidt Travel Grant program provides limited funding to students (and occasionally early-career delegates from countries with low-income economies) who attend the annual Goldschmidt Conference.
Introductory Student Memberships
This program provides free membership in the society for students from under-represented countries.
Meeting Assistance Program
A limited number of grants are available for promoting geochemistry at meetings other than the V.M. Goldschmidt Conference.
Mentorship Program
The Geochemical Society is launching a new program to pair students and early career scientists with experienced mentors.
Organic Geochemistry Division
The Organic Geochemistry Division supports scientists working in this discipline and awards the A.E. Treibs, John Hayes, and Best Paper Awards.
Outreach Programs
The GS offers programs to encourage the development of geochemistry around the world