This page lists upcoming conferences of interest to members of the GS, arranged by date. Information is subject to change, so please check conference websites to confirm dates and locations.
14th Pan-American Current Research on Fluid Inclusions (PACROFI 14) Conference
Location: Houston, TX (map)
The biennial PACROFI conference series has been a leading international forum for the presentation of fluid and melt inclusion research. We anticipate a vibrant meeting of researchers from academia, industry, and government.
Abstract Deadline: 30 April 2018
Early Registration: 30 April 2018
Download iCalDeep Carbon Science in the Context of Geologic Time
Location: Smithfield, RI, US (map)
The meeting will cover deep carbon science in the context of time. We will spotlight the evolution of deep carbon in Earth’s biological and nonbiological reservoirs over 4.6 billion years.
Applications due 20 May.
Download iCalTRR 170 Summer School Origin of the Earth-Moon System
Location: Burg Reichenstein, Trechtingshausen (map)
3rd European Mantle Workshop
Location: Pavia, Italy (map)
The 3rd European Mantle Workshop aims at providing a framework of advanced knowledge on the evolution of the Earth’s mantle. The workshop is mainly intended to discuss the mantle beneath Europe and neighboring areas; presentations from other parts of the world are welcome.
Abstract Deadline: 27 April 2018
Download iCal2018 CIDER Summer Program
Location: Santa Barbara, CA, USA (map)
The CIDER 2018 summer program returns to the theme of the original CIDER Program on Relating Geophysical and Geochemical Heterogeneity in the Deep Earth. Significant advances and discoveries since 2004 motivate a return to this long-standing question.
Applications due: 15 Feb 2018.
Download iCalRiMG Short Course: High-Temperature Gas Solid Reactions in Earth and Planetary Processes
Location: Boston, MA, USA (map)
Gas mixtures play a crucial role in distributing elements between different parts of Earth and planet-forming systems over a range of settings and temperatures. Despite the fundamental role of gases in geochemical cycles, the study of gas-solid interactions at high temperature is an emerging field in earth sciences. Currently, this area of research is spread between volcanology, planetary science, economic geology, environmental science, chemical engineering, chemistry, and metallurgy. The aim of this short course is to share the different approaches in this rapidly developing area. We will cover experimental work; modelling approaches; atom-scale reaction mechanisms; thermochemical and kinetic investigations; observations from active volcanic systems; and evidence for these reactions in the solar system and beyond.
Early registration: 1 June 2018
Download iCal2018 Goldschmidt Conference
Location: Boston, MA, USA (map)
Goldschmidt is the foremost annual, international conference on geochemistry and related subjects, organised by the Geochemical Society and the European Association of Geochemistry.
- November 1, 2017: Call for Sessions & Workshop Submission Deadline
- March 30, 2018: Abstract Submission Deadline
- January 1 - June 12, 2018: Early Registration Rates apply
- June 13 - July 12, 2018: Standard Pre-registration rates apply
- August 11-12, 2018: Pre-conference workshops
NASA's 3rd Comparative Climatology of Terrestrial Planets (CCTP-3) From Stars to Surfaces
Location: Houston, TX, USA (map)
CCTP-3 will promote cross-disciplinary conversation on climate processes at work on terrestrial planets both within our solar system and in extrasolar systems. For the purpose of this conference, terrestrial climate is a broad term, intended to include the climates of Earth, Mars, and Venus as well as the climates of Titan and Pluto. CCTP-3 also covers exoplanets similar to Earth, Mars, Venus, Titan, or Pluto.
Download iCalMagmatism of the Earth and related strategic metal deposits
Location: Moscow, Russia (map)
The Conference will be focused on the following topics:
- Geochemistry, petrology and ore-potential of alkaline and related mafic and granitic magmatism.
- Resources of critical metals in magmatic complexes in various geodynamic settings.
- Petrology, geochemistry and metallogeny of oceanic magmatism.
- Mantle sources and processes controlling genesis of ore-producing magmas.
- Geochemical characteristics and metallogeny of subduction- and collision-related magmatism.
Abstract deadline: 1 April 2018
Early registraion: 28 Feb 2018
Download iCalThe Geological Society of America 130th Annual Meeting
Location: Indianapolis, IN, USA (map)
AGU Fall Meeting
Location: Washington DC, USA (map)
5th International Sclerochronology Conference
MSA Centennial Symposium
Location: Washington, DC, USA (map)
This Symposium will feature 44 speakers who will address topics ranging from minerals and sustainability to everything you wanted to know about diamonds to the evolution of Earth's crust and mantle to mineral health hazards.
Download iCalOrigins of Solar Systems Gordon Research Conference
Location: South Hadley, MA, USA (map)
Quantitative Microanalysis 2019 A Microanalysis Society (MAS) Topical Conference
Location: Minneapolis, MN, USA (map)
Life and Earth Sciences and Sustainable Global and Regional Development (AKTRU2019) International Symposium and Summer Schools
Location: Altai Mountains, Russia (map)
AKTRU2019 is an interdisciplinary forum in education and research of various subject areas of life and earth sciences including studies of soil, atmosphere, biodiversity, climatology, geology, paleontology, glaciology with the specific focus on sustainable global and regional development.
2019 Goldschmidt Conference
Location: Barcelona, Spain (map)
Goldschmidt is the foremost annual, international conference on geochemistry and related subjects, organised by the European Association of Geochemistry and the Geochemical Society.
Download iCalLarge Igneouse Provinces through Earth History: Mantle Plumes, Supercontinets, Climate Change, Metallogeny and Oil-Gas, Planetary Analogues VII International Conference
Location: Tomsk, Russia (map)
Registration or expression of interest: January - March 31
Abstract submission: January - July 1
Download iCalThe Origin and Rise of Complex Life Integrating Models, Geochemical and Palaeontological Data
Location: London, UK (map)
Registration for this meeting is free, but participants are required to register in advance of the meeting.
Poster application deadline: 5 July 2019
Download iCalGSA Annual Meeting
Location: Phoenix, AZ, USA (map)
Abstract deadline: 25 June 2019
Visit the Geochemical Society at booth 604 in the exhibit hall. GS members are also invited to the MGPV–MSA–GS Joint Reception on Tuesday, September 24 from 5:45 PM -7:30 PM (ticket required).
Download iCalRecent Developments and Applications in Earth Sciences of Electron Probe Micro-analysis
Location: Athens, Greece (map)
International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium
Location: Fukuoka, Japan (map)
17th French Sedimentology Congress ASF 2019
Location: Beauvais, France (map)
AGU Fall Meeting
Location: San Francisco, California, USA (map)
Southern California Biogeochemical Ocean Observations and Models
Location: University of Southern California (map)
ACS National Meeting Division of Geochemistry: Call for Papers
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA (map)
The conveners of the session, "Iron Oxides: Their Phase Transformations, Structures, Kinetics, & Applications," invite you to submit an abstract by Oct. 14, 2019.
Download iCal2020 Goldschmidt Conference
Goldschmidt will be a virtual conference this year. Please visit the conference website for details.
Download iCalDeep Carbon Science Gordon Research Conference Exploring fluxes, forms and origins of deep carbon in Earth and other terrestrial planets
Location: Bates College, Lewiston, Maine, United States (map)
Update: This conference has been cancelled. Please visit the conference website for more information.
Download iCal6th International Archean Symposium 6IAS
Location: Perth, Australia (map)
GSA 2020 Connects Online
AGU Fall Meeting Shaping the Future of Science
Frontiers in Mars Sample Chronology Virtual Workshop
Supported by: The Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland; The Meteoritical Society
Abstract deadline: 5 March 2021
There is no charge but pre-registration is required for this event.
Download iCalNNCI Nanoscience Earth and Environmental Science Research Community Virtual Workshop
Participation in the workshop is free, but pre-registration is required. The registration deadline is May 17, 2021.
Download iCalInterPore2021 13th International Conference on Porous Media
Synchrotrons and Geochemistry: A Workshop for Novices and Experts
2021 Goldschmidt Conference
Goldschmidt is the joint annual meeting of the Geochemical Society and the European Association of Geochemistry.
Grant application deadline: 12 February 2021
Abstract submission deadline: 26 February 2021
Early registration deadline: 18 May 2021
Rising methane: is warming feeding warming?
Registration for this meeting is free, but participants are required to register in advance of the meeting to receive the joining instructions.
Download iCalExcite Network Electron & X-Ray Microscopy Workshop
This workshop will be held in Utrecht, Netherlands and Online
Registration deadline: 15 November 2022
Download iCal77th IUGS EC Meeting
Location: Paris (map)
Representatives of affiliated organizations and delegates of adhering members are welcome to attend the open session of the meeting on 16 March and morning of 17 March in person or virtually. Those attending virtually or in person, must complete the registration form and return it to the Secretariat by March 5th.
Download iCalBES ECN - 2022 Early Career Grant Writing Webinar
The Department of Energy's Office of Science is offering a "best tips and practices" webinar on how to successfully craft a scientific proposal for federal grants, industry partnerships, and non-profit support.
April 12, 2022 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Download iCalXII South American Symposium on Isotope Geology, SSAGI
Location: Santiago de Chile, Chile. (map)
- Abstract deadline: April 15, 2022.
- Early Registration Deadline: May 31, 2022.
2022 Goldschmidt Conference
Location: Honolulu, Hawaiʻi, USA (map)
Goldschmidt is the joint annual meeting of the Geochemical Society and the European Association of Geochemistry.
Download iCalIMA 2022 : 23rd General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association
Location: Lyon, France (map)
Registration opens February 2022, abstract submission deadline is March 2022 and the early registration fee deadline is April 2022.
Download iCalGES12 Earth system interactions on a changing planet
Location: Zurich, Switzerland (map)
17th International Clay Conference
Location: Istanbul, Turkey (map)
Understanding Oxygen fugacity in Geoscience
IAGS2022 29th International Applied Geochemistry Symposium
Location: Viña del Mar, Chile (map)
Forming and Exploring Habitable Worlds
Location: Edinburgh with an optional retreat to Stirlingshire (map)
Registration and abstract submission portal will open around mid-February and closes on April 15th 2022.
Download iCalInterPore- Flow and transport coefficients in porous media: from direct simulation to automated prediction
Duration: 1 hour
Date/Time: January 10, 2023, at 9am CST (4pm CET)
Location: Online & in-person (The University of Texas at Austin)
Download iCalInternational Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior - IAVCEI 2023
Location: Rotorua, New Zealand (map)
Abstract Submission Date: September 2, 2022
Early Bird Registration Deadline: November 20, 2022
Download iCal
AGU Chapman conference: Hydrothermal Circulation and Seawater Chemistry: What’s the chicken and what’s the egg?
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland (map)
Submission for in-person oral presentations has closed. Abstract submission for in-person posters as well as for online presentations is still possible.
Download iCalInterior of the Earth Gordon Research Seminar (GRS)
Location: Mt. Holyoke College, S. Hadley, MA (map)
Location: Lyon, France (map)
2023 National AIPG Geoscience Conference
Location: Covington, KY (map)
2nd Joint Symposium of the International Societies for Environmental Biogeochemistry & Subsurface Microbiology
Location: Banff, Alberta, Canada (map)
Location: Pisa, Italy (map)
Rocky Worlds III
Location: Zürich, Switzerland (map)
Abstract Submission open
(closes October 2, 2023)
Registration open
(closes October 16, 2023)
Earth and Planets Origin and Evolution Workshops 2024
Location: Paris (map)
Goldschmidt 2024
Location: Chicago, USA and Online (map)
The 7th Orogenic Lherzolite conference
Location: Oviedo, Spain (map)
Smashing It: How Impacts Forge Formation, Dynamics, and Climates of (Exo)Planets Smashing It: How Impacts Forge Formation, Dynamics, and Climates of (Exo)Planets
Location: University of Leeds, UK (map)
Goldschmidt 2025 Goldschmidt 2025
Location: Prague, Czech Republic (map)
Register for the conference by 21 May to take advantage of the early rates. IMPORTANT: Presenters must register by 21 May.
Download iCal