
Meet the Scientist: Zie Ouattara

February 21, 2019

Name: Zié Ouattara
Title: Assistant Professor
Institution: University of Man, Côte d'Ivoire
Place of Residence: Man, Côte d'Ivoire


What kind of science do you do?
I am a metallogenist and geochemist. My work is to better understand the mineral resources (particularly gold) and define the footprints that can be helpful to the exploration teams as well as the academic researchers. My daily challenge is to realize field work, collect samples, undertake laboratory work and synthetize data from several origins including lithostratigraphy, alteration, fluids inclusion, structural, metamorphism and geochemistry in order to build a model that can summarize a mineral deposition history.

Meet the Scientist: Dominique Weis

January 24, 2019

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Name: Dominique Weis
Title: Professor, Canada Research Chair Tier I, FRSC
Institution: University of British Columbia
Place of Residence: Vancouver

What kind of science do you do?
I am a geologist by training and a geochemist in practice applying geochemical fingerprinting to constrain the geochemical evolution of our planet and its main reservoirs, to evaluate the impact of pollution on the environment, and to train young scientists in geochemistry to be leaders in the workforce. Such research requires unprecedented precision and sensitivity for the analysis of elemental concentrations and isotopic ratios in rocks, minerals, water, and organic matter that can only be provided by modern instruments (e.g., mass spectrometers). Importantly, these tools can be applied to many areas of study, including the relationship between our environment and human health.

GS Adopts Code of Ethics

January 15, 2019

The GS board of directors approved the society's first code of ethics in December, following more than a year of research and discussion. The code helps define the values of scientific and professional integrity that the society has been committed to since its founding. All members are encouraged to read it.

CORES Study Seeks Community Input

January 10, 2019

The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine is now conducting a study on Catalyzing Opportunities for Research in the Earth Sciences (CORES), sponsored by the National Science Foundation's Division of Earth Sciences.

The purpose of the CORES study is to (1) identify a concise set of high-priority scientific questions for the next decade, (2) assess infrastructure needed to address these questions, and (3) determine opportunities for greater collaboration with other NSF divisions and directorates, federal agencies, and domestic and international partners.

The CORES committee is soliciting input through a questionnaire about upcoming research priorities and GS members are encouraged to submit their ideas:

Learn more about the study:

Category: Society News

Meet the Scientist: Jesse Reimink

December 13, 2018

Name: Jesse Reimink
Title: Postdoctoral Scholar
Institution: Carnegie Institution for Science
Place of residence: Washington, DC


Q: What kind of science do you do?
A: I am a geologist and geochemist working on understanding how continents were formed on our planet, particularly on the early Earth. My work includes fieldwork and primary sample collecting, as well as developing new analytical techniques that can be applied to existing sample sets. I can be somewhat distractible scientifically, but I think that is a feature of how interesting our field is and maybe not the worst thing in the world!

Meet the Scientist: Janne Blichert-Toft

November 26, 2018

Name: Janne Blichert-Toft
Title: Research Director
Institution: CNRS and Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
Place of residence: Lyon, France
Personal website:

Q: What kind of science do you do?
A: I am an isotope geochemist using radiogenic and stable isotopes as clocks and tracers to date and understand the workings and evolution of the Earth and other terrestrial planets and planetary bodies in our Solar System.

Meet the Scientist: Asmaa Boujibar

October 25, 2018

Name: Asmaa Boujibar
Title: Postdoctoral Associate
Institution: Geophysical Lab, Carnegie Institution for Science
Place of Residence: Washington, DC

Q: What kind of science do you do?
A: I am a petrologist, geochemist and planetary scientist. I study several aspects of planetary accretion and differentiation. I perform experiments at high pressure and temperature to simulate conditions under which planets form and evolve. Using experimental data, I model the chemical reactions occurring during planetary growth and the resulting physical states of planetary interiors. The main goal of my work is to understand how and why each terrestrial planet of our solar system and beyond are different in chemical composition, structure, thermal state and geologic history. Using meteoritic data, I also help unravel the differences between planetary, asteroidal and meteoritic compositions, which enables a better knowledge of the dynamic evolution of our solar system in its early stages.

The New

October 05, 2018

Welcome to the new Geochemical Society website! The site has been completely updated to help you easily find the latest information on the society's programs and events. It's now fully responsive and can be easily navigated on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. If you are visiting the new site for the first time, here are a few tips for using it:

  • Find the latest news right here on this page, including important deadlines and announcements.
  • Learn about upcoming meetings and conferences on the Events page. If you are planning a conference, workshop, or symposium, submit information about it for inclusion on the calendar.
  • Renew your membership or update your contact information quickly and securely.
  • Keep up with the latest news in geochemistry with Geochemical News.

If you like the new design or have a suggestion for improvement, please contact us any time.

Category: Society News

Membership for Scientists from Countries with Low-income Economies

October 03, 2018

In order to make membership more affordable for scientists in every county, the GS Board of Directors recently approved a new dues structure for professional members. A reduced professional rate of $15 is now available to scientists from countries classified by the World Bank as having low-income or lower-middle-income economies. If dues are paid before Dec. 31, then the rate is only $10. This new rate is available to both new and continuing members.

List of qualifying countries (scroll down to find income classifications)

Join the GS or Renew Your Membership


Graduate students from qualifying countries may apply for free membership through the Introductory Student Membership program.

Category: Society News
Tag: Membership

Goldschmidt2018 in the News

August 22, 2018

The groundbreaking science presented at the 2018 Goldschmidt Conference made headlines around the world. Here are a few highlights:

BBC Radio: Interview with Ian Power on magnesite Scientists create mineral to absorb CO2 from atmosphere
Scientific American: Meteorites May Have Created Some of Earth's Oldest Rocks
Newsweek: Earth's Ingredients Are Uncannily Similar to Planetary Systems 456 Light-Years Away
Die Welt: Fukushima schlimmer belastet als erwartet
