
Membership in the Geochemical Society connects you with the international geochemistry community through publications, conferences, student programs, and more. Membership is open to anyone with at least a Bachelor's degree in one of the following fields: physical science, biological science, mathematics or engineering, or by three or more years of activity in any these above disciplines.

If you need assistance with your Member ID or password, please call +1-202-545-6928 or write to

Joining online is simple and secure. If you prefer to join or renew by mail, please contact the business office for an invoice.

Membership in the Geochemical Society is based on a calendar year (January - December). All memberships submitted after 1 October will be for the following calendar year. Save time and receive a $5 discount when you renew for two years.

Member CategoryAnnual Membership2-Year Membership
Professional: High and Upper-middle Income Economies 40 USD 75 USD
Professional: Low and Lower-middle Income Economies* 15 USD 25 USD
Student 15 USD 25 USD
Senior 20 USD 35 USD
  • *Reduced cost professional memberships are available for scientists residing in countries classified by the World Bank as having low-income or lower-middle-income economies. Please review the list of qualified countries before selecting this category.
  • Student memberships are available for individuals currently enrolled in a college or university. Student members may be asked to provide verification information to confirm eligibility for this category. As GS membership requires at least a Bachelor's degree in one of the fields listed above, this category is primarily for graduate students. Graduate students from countries classified as having low-income or lower-middle-income economies are eligible for free Introductory Student Memberships. Current undergraduate students may subscribe to the society's publications (refer to "Join as a Subscriber" sidebar).
  • Senior memberships are available to individuals who are retired and at least 65 years of age.


Still not sure? Check out our Benefits of Membership.
