
Meet the Scientist: Chiara Borrelli

January 27, 2020

Name: Chiara Borrelli
Institution: University of Rochester
Place of Residence: Rochester, New York, USA

What kind of science do you do?
I am a paleoceanographer. Through the analysis of the chemical and isotopic composition of very tiny organisms called foraminifera, I aim to answer questions related to past changes in ocean circulation and chemistry, climate, and sedimentary biogeochemical cycles.


Goldschmidt Abstract Submission Now Open

December 15, 2019

Abstract submission and registration for the 2020 Goldschmidt Conference in Honolulu, Hawai'i, USA are now open. Goldschmidt is the world's premier meeting on geochemistry and related subjects, attracting scientists from more than 60 countries each year. Registration for workshops and fascinating field trips around Hawai'i are open, as well. Please make note of these important dates:

  • January 31, 2020: Grant application deadline
  • February 14, 2020: Abstract submission deadline
  • April 21, 2020: Early registration deadline
  • June 21-26, 2020: Goldschmidt Conference in Honolulu

Meet the Scientist: Georg Zellmer

November 18, 2019

Name: Dr. Georg F. Zellmer
Institution: Massey University
Place Of Residence: New Zealand

What kind of science do you do?
I am an Earth and planetary scientist working at the intersection of geochemistry, igneous petrology, and volcanology, with a focus on the rates and processes of magma generation and transfer, and the role of magmatic volatiles. I try to gain insights through interdisciplinary approaches that may include seismic tomography and other geophysical data.

Meet the Scientist: Suzanne Baldwin

October 24, 2019

Name: Suzanne L. Baldwin  
Institution: Syracuse University
Place Of Residence: Syracuse, New York


What kind of science do you do?
I am a geologist who uses thermochronology and petrology to investigate how planets have evolved. I am especially interested in understanding lithospheric plate boundary processes. I direct the Syracuse University Noble Gas Isotopic Research Laboratory (SUNGIRL) where noble gases are extracted from minerals to reveal their thermal histories.

Meet the Scientist: April Abbott

September 20, 2019

Name: Dr. April N Abbott
Institution: Macquarie University
Place Of Residence: Australia

What kind of science do you do?
I'm a geochemical oceanographer- I use pore water (the water between the sediment grains) to understand modern element cycling and their implications on paleoclimate studies. Currently, I'm focused on understanding whether the sediments are a source of rare earth elements to the overlying water column.

Meet the Scientist: Funmi Felicia Ajayi

August 12, 2019

Name: Dr. Funmi Felicia Ajayi
Institution: University of Ibadan
Place of Residence: Oyo State, Nigeria


What kind of science do you do?
I am primarily a geoscientist specializing in the field of soil/sediment mineralogy and environmental geochemistry.

Meet the Scientist: Nurgül Balci

July 24, 2019

Name: Nurgül BALCI
Title: Professor
Institution: Istanbul Technical University, Department of Geological Engineering, Ayazaga Campus
Place of Residence: Istanbul, Turkey


What kind of science do you do?
I am a geomicrobiologist dealing with microbe-mineral interactions in extreme environments (e.g acidic, hypersaline, hot springs) to understand evolution of life on Earth and other terrestrial planets in our Solar System. Also, I would like to understand geochemical conditions of the early Earth and how life started to flourish. By doing this kind of research I am hoping that one day as humans we will explore the other planets and find a backup place.

Follow Us on Instagram

July 12, 2019

The Geochemical Society would like you to join in us in celebrating the launch of our Instagram! The society is taking this opportunity to get to know YOU better. In addition to our monthly "Meet the Scientist", we will be featuring geochemists from all around the world, debuting your research, your field work, your story.

Follow us here or search for: the_geochemical_society

If you would like to be the next featured scientist or share a photo of your work, send us a message on Instagram or at

Category: Society News

Meet the Scientist: Aisha Al Suwaidi

June 19, 2019

Name: Aisha Al Suwaidi
Title: Associate Professor in Earth Sciences
Institution: Khalifa University of Science and Technology
Place of residence: Abu Dhabi, UAE


What kind of science do you do?
I try to understand how the carbon cycle has changed through the Mesozoic (occasionally I work on more recent things like the Paleocene-Eocene ~55 million years ago), but mostly I am very interested in understanding how long it takes the Earth to recover from carbon cycle perturbations, mass extinctions and anoxia in the oceans associated with large igneous province activity hundreds of millions of years ago.

GS Offers New Capacity-building Grants

June 04, 2019

The GS is pleased to announce the launch of a new outreach program to support networking, educational activities, analytical training, or related activities in low and lower-middle-income economy countries.  Capacity-building grants of up to $2,500 are available for geochemistry programs in these countries. The application deadline for the first round of grants is September 30, 2019. Learn more
