Special Lectures at Goldschmidt 2025

March 06, 2025

(Pictured, from left: Nathalie Goodkin, Ronnie Glud, Benjamin Mills)






The Geochemical Society is pleased to announce three special lectures to be given at the 2025 Goldschmidt Conference. The Earl Ingerson Lecture will be delivered by Nathalie Goodkin of the American Museum of Natural History. She is recognized for outstanding work developing coral geochemical proxies and generating paleo records that clarify the ocean's role in driving climate on decadal to centennial time scales.

The Endowed Biogeochemistry Lecture will be given by Ronnie Glud of the University of Southern Denmark. The selection honors his research around oxygen fluxes in aquatic systems and the role of hydrological, chemical and biological processes in oxygen diffusion and consumption.

The Robert Berner Lecture (a joint award with EAG) will be presented by Benjamin Mills of the University of Leeds. He has made fundamental advances in understanding the evolution of the Earth and its habitability through time. He is at the forefront of the paleo-biogeochemical modeling discipline, continuing to adapt and extend Berner's original modeling approach.
