About the Lecture
F. Earl Ingerson was a founder and the first president of the Geochemical Society. He also helped establish Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta and served on its first editorial board. The Ingerson Lecture is named in his honor, and is awarded annually.
Nominations are accepted for any topic within geochemistry that will have broad appeal to Goldschmidt attendees. In addition to having a strong research profile and being an excellent speaker, it is desirable that the nominee have a history of service to the geochemistry community, following the example of Earl Ingerson. Special consideration will be given to nominees who have not previously received society recognition in the form of awards, medals, or named lectures. The lecturer will receive waived registration and abstract fees for the conference.
Nominations remain active for three years. Anyone, except members of the GS Board (which selects the lecturer), may submit a nomination.
Nomination requirements:
- Nominee's CV (up to 4 pages)
- List of recent presentations and link to webpage, if available
- A recommendation letter from the nominator (up to 2 pages); the letter should address the nominee's capacity to deliver an engaging lecture.
The nomination deadline for the next lecture is December 6, 2024.
Past Ingerson Lectures
Year | Lecturer | Title |
2025 | Nathalie Goodkin | Power in Numbers: Multi-proxy Geochemical Insights into Natural and Anthropogenic Climate Variability |
2024 | Fang-Zhen Teng | Potassium isotope geochemistry |
2023 | Maitrayee Bose | Exploring Volatiles in Chondritic Materials |
2022 | Alan Brandon | Neodymium in the Earth |
2021 | Gabriel Filippelli | Applying Geochemistry to Improve Health and Fight Environmental Injustice |
2020 | Christian France-Lanord | The Carbon Budget of the Himalayan Orogeny from Source to Sink |
2019 | Holly Stein | Bend Me, Shape Me, Molybdenite: Spokes on the Crustal Re-Os Wheel |
2018 | Yuichiro Ueno | Carbon Monoxide as a Key to Understand Early Mars and Earth |
2017 | Karim Benzerara | Cyanobacterial Intracellular Carbonatogenesis: Phylogenetic Distribution, Mechanisms and Environmental Implications |
2016 | Tim Lyons | A decade of progress in studies of trace metals in the early oceans |
2015 | Gregory J. Retallack | Archean (3.35 GA) Life on Land in Western Australia |
2014 | Robert M. Hazen | Chance and necessity in the mineral evolution of terrestrial planets (PDF) |
2013 | Rebecca Lange | The origin of highly evolved, voluminous rhyolites by progressive, multiple episodes of partial melting: The resolution of some paradoxes (PDF) |
2012 | Isabel Montanez | Modern soil system constraints on reconstructing deep-time atmospheric CO2: A new view of phanerozoic PCO2 (PDF) |
2011 | Not awarded | |
2010 | Patricia Dove | Deciphering carbonates through the lens of multiple pathways to mineral formation |
2009 | W. Berry Lyons | Riverine Geochemistry and Chemical Weathering and Carbon Fluxes Across Panama |
2008 | John Morse | Nanoscale Insights into the Mechanisms Responsible for the Strange Kinetic and Solubility Behavior of Aragonite in Seawater |
2007 | Terry Plank | Squeezing Water from a Stone (Water in Arc Magmas) |
2006 | Robert Aller | Tropical deltaic systems as unsteady diagenetic reactors, global C incinerators, and reverse weathering centers |
2005 | Adina Paytan | A New Look Into the Marine Phosphorus Cycle |
2004 | Roberta L. Rudnick | Geochemical Probing of Continental Dynamics |
2003 | Emily M. Klein | Geochemical Variability of Ocean Ridge Basalts and Constraints on Mantle and Crust Melt Distribution |
2002 | Susan L. Brantley | Eating and Breathing at the Water-Rock Interface |
2001 | Miriam Kastner | Methane Hydrates Characterization and Role in Past and Future Climate Change |
2000 | Lynn M. Walter | Carbon Cycling in Earth's Surface Reservoirs; Perspectives from Field Scale Studies |
1999 | David Walker | Core Participation in Mantle Geochemistry |
1998 | Susan W. Kieffer | Geochemical Dependence of Physical Processes During the Impact at Chicxulub Yucatan |
1997 | Akimasa Masuda | Progress Expected in REE Geochemistry |
1996 | Edward M. Stolper | Adiabatic Melting of the Mantle |
1994 | John Hayes | Process-oriented biogeochemical reconstructions made possible by molecular-isotopic studies |
1992 | H.C. Helgeson | Organobiohydrothermal geochemistry: What is it, who needs it, and why? |
1990 | R.K. O'Nions | Fluids in the formation and evolution of the continental crust |
1988 | A.E. Ringwood |