About the Robert Berner Lecture
The lecture was established in 2017 by students and friends of the late Robert Berner to commemorate his intellectual legacy in geochemistry. It is a joint program of the Geochemical Society and the European Association of Geochemistry, presented annually at the Goldschmidt Conference. The lecture is on a 'Berner' subject, which includes a wide range of topics associated with elemental cycling at the Earth's surface (molecular to planetary scale, modern to ancient oceanic and terrestrial systems, evolution of the biosphere, etc).
Lecturers are mid-career scientists, selected by the Berner Lecture Committee, then approved by the Geochemical Society and the European Association of Geochemistry.
The Robert Berner Lecture takes place each year at the Goldschmidt Conference. It is a 30-minute keynote lecture presented in the appropriate topical session.
The lecturer should be a mid-career scientist: he/she should have received their PhD at least 10 years and no more than 21 years before the Goldschmidt conference at which the lecture is presented (i.e., for Goldschmidt2024, the lecturer should have received his/her PhD between 2003 and 2014). The lecturer should also have shown exceptional ability to define globally important biogeochemical processes, developed new understanding(s), and significantly advanced the corresponding area of research. The lecture will be on a 'Berner' subject, which includes a wide range of topics associated with elemental cycling at the Earth's surface (molecular to planetary scale, modern to ancient oceanic and terrestrial systems, evolution of the biosphere).
Nomination requirements:
- Nominee's CV (up to 4 pages)
- List of publications
- List of recent presentations and link to webpage, if available
- A recommendation letter from the nominator (up to 2 pages)
The selection committee encourages nominations of mid-career scientists who have demonstrated excellence in research on a 'Berner' subject, and hopes to achieve a diverse pool of nominees. The deadline for the 2025 lecture is December 6, 2024.
Past Lectures
Year | Lecturer | Title |
2025 | Benjamin Mills | Global biogeochemical models for deep time: what have we learned and where are the biggest problems? |
2024 | Sarah Greene | New Earth system modelling constraints on marine carbonate chemistry and pCO2 in the geologic past |
2023 | Valier Galy | Geomorphic and climatic controls of the terrestrial organic carbon cycle |
2022 | Colleen Hansel | Complexity of synergistic and competing reactions involved in setting manganese oxide distributions within surface waters |
2021 | Sasha Turchyn | Exploring diagenesis inanoxic sediments |
2020 | Andreas Andersson | How Will Anthropogenic CO2 Affect Shallow Water Calcium Carbonate Sediment Dissolution? (video) |
2019 | Filip Meysman | Did the evolution of microbes and fauna in the seabed impact atmospheric oxygen and climate? |
2018 | Simon Poulton | Exploring Earth's Redox Landscape |
2017 | Joshua West | Sources of Atmospheric CO2 over Geologic Time |
Support the Lecture
Contributions to the Berner Lecture fund go directly to supporting the lecturer's travel to Goldschmidt every year.
Donate Online Now
Donations are also accepted by check (from U.S. banks only) sent to: The Geochemical Society, 4220 King St, Alexandria, VA 22302. Please include a letter clearly identifying the check as intended for the Berner Lecture Fund and providing your name and mailing address.
The Geochemical Society is a 501(c)3 charitable organization and, as such, donations from U.S. taxpayers will be tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. All donations will be acknowledged in writing.